
Kathy Meena (OCPS ESE Transition Teacher, President, Board of Directors)
Kathy Meena has been a teacher of students with autism and intellectual disabilities for 17 years with Orange County Public Schools. She has a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Florida in Education and a Master’s Degree in Exceptional Student Education/Autism Spectrum Disorders from the University of Central Florida. Kathy serves as both a mentor/demo site classroom for OCPS and UCF’s Project ASD. Kathy created the Special Hearts Farm 10 years ago and is a parent of a child with autism.

Jennifer Elliott (OCPS ESE Transition Teacher, Vice President, Board of Directors)
Jennifer Elliott has been a teacher of students with autism and intellectual disabilities for 18 years with Orange County Public Schools. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resource and Community Family Development from the University of Florida, and was a Social Worker for 8 years. Jennifer assisted in creating the Special Hearts Farm 10 years ago.

Emily Davis (Director of Development, Grant Writer)
Emily Davis is a nonprofit and grant administration professional. She is highly motivated to drive funds into the hands of community leaders pursuing meaningful projects. Emily graduated from Fayetteville State University, Summa Cum Laude, with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree. Emily has a passion for the mission of Special Hearts Farm and loves to share the heart of the organization with the local community.
Nancy Witte (Office Manager, Bookkeeper)
Maria Leon (Support Facilitator)

Emily Rouse (OCPS Employment Specialist / Farm Manager)
Direct Care & Office Staff
Cesar Laboy (Transportation Specialist)
Rachel Babilla, Chelssie Baggett, Tamesha Berry, Nicole Burnett, Emily Davis, Julia Elsner, Sue Irizarry, Kimberly Jones, Stacy Ornberg. Shakira Torres, Nancy Witte

ADT Participants/Hired Farm Hands
Michael Woolhouse, Jade McFarland, Steven Gibson, Esteban Estrada
Board of Directors
Kathy Meena, Jennifer Elliott, Rob Springer, Clem Lemarche
Advisory Board
Emily Rouse, Mary Schuh, Pam Gould, Alex Smith, Randy June, Dr. Amy Wysocki
Emily Rouse, Mary Schuh, Pam Gould, Alex Smith, Randy June, Dr. Amy Wysocki